Hammer of Thor Mjolnir Pendant

Hammer of Thor Mjolnir Pendant ID#27616

Categories: JEWELRY

Tags: Thor Handmade

Hammer of Thor Mjolnir Pendant

In the design of the Hammer Tora Enamel pendant, a specialized color optical compound is used, providing a deep volumetric effect and a magnificent gloss on the surface of the decoration.

An exclusive Mjolnir pendant with a Viking helmet, a classic Celtic ornament on the handle and hammer, as well as a triskel on the sides of the hammer, in the center of the hammer on the one hand wolves with a rune of strength and power are depicted, on the other hand wolves and a Viking compass.

The hammer of Thor, the Scandinavian god of war and thunderstorms, combines the most powerful symbols, symbolizes protection from misfortunes, werewolves, necromancers, the forces of darkness and enemies. Thor is the strongest of all gods and people. Among sailors, he is considered the god of the storm and wind, among peasants, the god of fertility.

Odin's triskele and the Viking symbol. During the creation of pagan spells, the Celts used the magical artifact triskele. The Triskele ring system of the sign contains an element of interweaving of three elements (Fire, Water, Air). Helps in achieving the chosen goal.

The DORN rune is a sign of Thor, the mighty god with the hammer Mjellnir, graphically the rune resembles a stylized image of the hammer of Thor - MJELLNIR. That is why the Vikings and Goths considered this rune a symbol of military initiation.



Seller Joker-Studio
Brand Thor
Manufacturer Handmade
Type necklace/bead
Weight 0.1 kg