The Wolverine Eye Pendant

The Wolverine Eye Pendant ID#27501

Categories: JEWELRY

Tags: Handmade

The Wolverine Eye Pendant

The author's handmade in the Joker Workshop, a jewelry pendant with a Celtic pattern and a Wolverine eye pattern on tempered acrylic glass of maximum crystal transparency. The decoration was created by the method of jewelry casting from gold bronze, the metal does not darken, is scratch-resistant. The eye is drawn by the artist from the inside of the lens with an optical effect.

Wolverine is a symbol of intelligence, strength and endurance. Among the Sami, the people of the Kola Peninsula, the wolverine is considered a demon of the taiga. The beast as a talisman becomes the personification of perspicacity, dexterity, endurance, courage, determination, independence.

Decoration size Width/length: 23x33 mm.
Weight 9 gr.
Accessories cord 45 cm.
Eye diameter 16 mm

Composition: jewelry bronze resembles gold, unique appearance and excellent shine. Unlike gold, bronze is more practical, has a noble and beautiful shade. The alloy is hypoallergenic.


Seller Joker-Studio
Manufacturer Handmade
Type necklace/bead
Weight 0.1 kg