Ni No Kuni II - Green Higgledy Handmade Plush Toy [Exclusive]

4.00 1
Ni No Kuni II - Green Higgledy Handmade Plush Toy [Exclusive] ID#9648

Categories: FIGURES

Tags: 4ever Young Ni No Kuni Handmade

The designer handmade plush toy of Green Higgledy from Ni No Kuni II. Higgledies are little creatures that will help you in combat and while traversing the world. You gain access to Higgledy early in the game, but you can’t level them up or create your own until you get to the kingdom building phase of the game. Made in Russia. It's a handmade - an exact 100% copy is not possible. The fleece shade of the product may vary slightly.

Brand Ni No Kuni
Manufacturer 4ever Young
Type soft toy
Material fleece
Height 36 cm
Weight 0.45 kg